License Server Troubleshooting
14/10/2024 . Technical Note
Relevant product(s): Siemens EDA
Operating systems: Windows, Linux
Versions affected: All
Relevant area(s): Licensing
If you have already followed our guides on how to install the License Server and are still having issues checking out your license, please see the article below which goes over some common approaches to resolve outstanding issues.
- Check the MAC address listed in the license file is correct. On the Computer/Server your License Server is hosted from issue one of the commands below based on your setup. The value returned must match what is on the SERVER line in your license file, e.g.
Windows – Open a CMD prompt, type in command “getmac”.
Linux – Open a CMD prompt, type in command “ifconfig -a”. Find the network eth0 (this may have a different name depending on your distro).
… returns 12AB34CD56EF
Does this match the license file?
SERVER put_server_name_here 12AB34CD56EF 1717
- Verify the Environment Variable has been set correctly on the end-user’s PC.
If it doesn’t already exist, create an Environment Variable called LM_LICENSE_FILE on the end-user’s PC. Use a value of “port”@”hostname”, as they are listed in your license file, e.g.
Value = 1717@Cashew
If your License Server is on a separate machine from your end user, also create the LM_LICENSE_FILE Environment Variable on the machine hosting the License Server (see next point).
- Check the License Server status. Navigate to the License Server installation directory, open a CMD prompt, and execute the command “lmutil lmstat”; the output should look similar to the below: (the command requires the LM_LICENSE_FILE Environment Variable)
C:\flexlm>lmutil lmstat
lmutil – Copyright (c) 1989-2022 Flexera. All Rights Reserved.
Flexible License Manager status on Fri 6/14/2024 10:32
[Detecting lmgrd processes…]
License server status: 1717@Cashew
License file(s) on Cashew: C:\flexlm\Site_17411.txt:
Cashew: license server UP (MASTER) v11.16.4
Vendor daemon status (on Cashew):
saltd: UP v11.19.0
mgcld: UP v11.19.0
Check that both the license server (lmgrd) and the daemon (saltd/mgcld) are up and running, and that the correct versions are running for the Siemens EDA product you are attempting to use. The required versions of these utilities are listed in your products release notes.
- Check the debug log file. Navigate to “C:\flexlm\debug.log” (in this example), open and inspect the document for any errors. Latest entries are at the bottom of the document.
- The location of the debug log file is set on the “Config Services” tab of lmtools.exe
- If the license server is on another machine from the end user, issues can arise from the communication between the devices.
- Confirm that all devices are on the same network and can see each other. Open a CMD prompt on the end-user’s machine and enter “ping” followed by the name of the Computer/Server hosting the License Server, e.g. “ping Cashew”. Confirm that a reply and all packets are received.
- After confirming that the Environment Variables have been correctly set on the end-user’s device, open a CMD prompt from this machine and execute the command “lmutil lmstat”. The output should look the same as it does when run from the machine hosting the license server (as above).
- If “lmutil lmstat” returns an error on the end-user’s machine and not the machine hosting the license server, this could be due to your firewalls. This can be fixed with the following changes:
- Specify a Static Port for the vendor daemon. Open the license file and add “PORT=(Unused Port Number)” to the end of the Daemon line, e.g.
- DAEMON saltd C:\flexlm\saltd.exe PORT=4000
- In the firewall settings on the device hosting the license server, open the ports for the vendor daemon and the port specified on the Server line of the license file.
- For Windows Defender: Advanced Settings > Create New Rule (Inbound) > Port > TCP > Specific local ports: (e.g. 4000, 1717) > Allow the connection > (Select all profiles) > Name: (e.g. FlexLM)
- In your system settings make exceptions for the licensing processes, including: lmgrd.exe and mgcld.exe/saltd.exe
- Specify a Static Port for the vendor daemon. Open the license file and add “PORT=(Unused Port Number)” to the end of the Daemon line, e.g.
Test the fix
- Navigate to the License Server installation directory and open lmtools.exe.
- Click on the “Start/Stop/Reread” tab, tick the “Force Server Shutdown” checkbox, and click “Stop Server”. Wait for 15 seconds. Click “Start Server”.
- If the server does not stop, the lmgrd/flexera process can be killed in Task Manager
- Open the debug log (located in “C:\flexlm\debug.log” in this example) and check for any errors.
- Open your Siemens EDA tool (e.g. Questa) and confirm that it opens with no errors.
- Some compilers do not check out a license on open, so simulate a design to confirm the license has been installed correctly.
If you continue to have issues with your license server after following the guide above, please reach out to us including a copy of the debug log file –
Useful Links
SALT Licensing – Manual Installation Guide (Windows): https://www.saros.co.uk/knowledge-base/salt-licensing-windows/
Mentor Standard Licensing Manual: https://docs.sw.siemens.com/en-US/product/905395197/doc/DC202102052.release_docs.mgc_licen.en_us/html/manualtitle
Download the latest version of the license daemons and utilities: https://support.sw.siemens.com/en-US/product/1586485382/downloads