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Mentor Standard Licensing – Manual Installation Guide (Linux)

07/08/2024 . Technical Note

Relevant product(s): Siemens EDA
Operating systems: Linux
Versions affected: Up to and including 2023.x releases 
Relevant area(s): Licensing


To use Siemens EDA software, the FlexNet license server needs to be installed. This tech note is for setting up the Mentor Graphics license server on Linux devices, applicable for floating and node-locked licenses.

N.B. With the 2022.1 release the Questa / ModelSim products began transitioning to Siemens Advanced Licensing Technology (SALT), however, with the previous Mentor Graphics Licensing still the preferred option during the transition phase. As of the 2024.1 product release, SALT is the correct licensing technology to use, please see our guide here for setting up the SALT license server (Linux).


Step 1 – Modify the License File

  1. Create a new directory at the top level, for this technical note we use “/opt/flexlm”. Save your license file here, and confirm you have the rights to make edits in this directory and to the license file.
  2. Open the license file and find the SERVER and DAEMON lines as shown below:
License File - Server Daemon
  1. Make the following changes:
    1. Replace “put_server_name_here” with the name of your Computer/Server.
      • You can obtain the Computer/Server name by issuing the command “hostname” in a CMD prompt
    2. Replace “path_to_mgcld” with the path to the mgcld file located in your Siemens EDA tool <install_path>/<platform> folder, e.g. “/opt/modelsim_dlx/linuxpe/mgcld”.
      • Where <platform> can be “linux”, “linuxpe”, or “linux_x86_64”

Your Server and Daemon lines should now look similar to this:

SERVER Cashew 12AB34CD56EF 1717
DAEMON mgcld /opt/modelsim_dlx/linuxpe/mgcld

Step 2 – Start the License Server

  1. Navigate to the <install_path> /<platform> folder of your Siemens EDA tool:
    • $ cd <install_path>/<platform>
  2. Start the license manager daemon with command:
    • $ lmgrd -c <license_file> -l <debug_log>
      • Where <license_file> is the path to the license file configured in Step 1.1, e.g. “/opt/flexlm/Site_17411.txt”
      • Where <debug_log> is the server debug log file, e.g. “/opt/flexlm/debug.log”

Step 3 – Create the Environment Variable

  1. On the end-user’s workstation set a new Environment Variable called LM_LICENSE_FILE, with a value of “port”@”hostname” as they are listed in your license file, e.g.
    • $ export LM_LICENSE_FILE=1717@Cashew

Step 4 – Test

  1. Open your Siemens EDA tool (e.g. ModelSim) and confirm that it opens with no errors.
    • Some compilers do not check out a license on open, so simulate a design to confirm the license has been installed correctly.
  2. If the tool fails to open and error messages are received, please have a look at our troubleshooting guide:


If further support is required, please get in contact with us –


Useful Links

License Server troubleshooting: https://www.saros.co.uk/knowledge-base/license-server-troubleshooting/

SALT Licensing – Manual Installation Guide (Linux): https://www.saros.co.uk/knowledge-base/salt-licensing-linux/

Mentor Standard Licensing Manual: https://docs.sw.siemens.com/en-US/product/905395197/doc/DC202102052.release_docs.mgc_licen.en_us/html/manualtitle

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