Questa Design Solutions


Questa Design Solutions is an automated and integrated suite of verification tools for designers to improve initial RTL quality. Design Solutions analyses code at the design stage to detect bugs early, to improve efficiency, enhance development predictability and ease pressure on schedules.

Questa Design Solutions is an automated and integrated suite of verification tools for designers to improve initial RTL quality. Design Solutions analyses code at the design stage to detect bugs early, to improve efficiency, enhance development predictability and ease pressure on schedules.

Automated Intent-Focused Verification for Designers

Questa Design Solutions works with you from design creation through completion with a minimal set of additional inputs. Nothing more than RTL is required, except for UPF and basic constraints, when necessary.

Questa Design Solutions graphic

Questa Design Solutions Tools

Questa Design Solutions tools are built on a consistent foundation with a common debug and user interface, producing designs that are correct-by-construction, proving designs meet the designer’s intent and the project’s quality requirements, and protecting the design throughout its development.

Static RTL Verification

Questa Lint provides adaptive, integrated insight to the designer to ensure that the quality requirements and intent are met. Pre-configured methodologies provide immediate, intuitive feedback on design issues.

Questa Clock-Domain Crossing (CDC) Verification

CDC Verification

Questa CDC finds errors using structural analysis to detect clock-domains, synchronisers, and low power structures via the UPF. It then generates assertions and metastability models for protocol and reconvergence verification.

Questa Inspect

Static RTL Issue Hunting

A fully-automatic formal issue hunting app that finds deeply hidden issues due to common RTL coding errors, Inspect makes it possible to eliminate a wide range of issues without a testbench.

Questa Check X

X-State Verification

Questa Check X is an automated application that exhaustively roots out ‘X’ issues at the RTL-level without a testbench.

Questa Reset-Domain Crossing (RDC) Verification

RDC Verification

Questa RDC finds errors using structural analysis to detect asynchronous reset domains, synchronisers and low power structures via the UPF. It then generates assertions to exhaustively prove that the design is clean.

Questa Signoff CDC

Signoff CDC

Questa Signoff CDC builds on Questa CDC RTL analysis and automatically generates and analyses assertions to rapidly identify chip-killing glitches and other clock-domain crossing issues.

The high impact of design issues on projects

Mistakes happen, but finding and fixing issues late in programs increases overall program scope, as well as schedule and resource requirements. Competitive pressures push teams constantly to do more. Functional verification teams face significant challenges to build testbenches quickly, uncover design issues and enable rapid debug. Incomplete or incorrect bug fixes (or even a hurried introduction of new bugs) compound the problem. In addition, there are classes of design bugs that are challenging to catch at all in functional verification.

Efficient, target-adaptable analyses for designers, Questa Design Solutions provides actionable results to enable designers to ensure that their designs meet their intent. These integrated and complementary solutions are built to enable the designer to find issues when they’re cheapest to fix, rather than letting them become expensive for the entire project to address. This improves overall team agility through more efficient design processes, as well as by allowing functional verification, emulation, and validation efforts to focus on the hard-to-find functional system issues.

QuestaSim Logo
Simulation and Debug

Combines high performance and capacity simulation with unified advanced debug and functional coverage for the most complete native support of Verilog, SystemVerilog, VHDL, …

Catapult Logo
HLS & Verification

Industry leading C++ / SystemC High-Level Synthesis with Low-Power estimation / optimization. Design checking, code, and functional coverage verification plus formal make HLS more than ….

Static RTL Issue Hunting

A fully-automatic formal issue hunting app that finds deeply hidden issues due to common RTL coding errors, Inspect makes it possible to eliminate a wide range of issues without a testbench.

Questa Visualizer Logo
Debug Environment

High performance, scalable, context-aware debug supporting the complete logic verification flow including simulation, emulation, prototyping, testbench, low-power, and assertion analysis.

Questa CDC Logo
Static RTL Verification

Questa Lint provides adaptive, integrated insight to the designer to ensure that the quality requirements and intent are met. Pre-configured methodologies provide immediate, intuitive feedback …

Veloce proFPGA Logo
Hardware-Assisted Verification

The Veloce proFPGA system architecture offers best-in-class modularity, scalability, flexibility and portability to serve the verification requirements of today’s hardware and software engineers.

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